Oracle ORA-00600 is an issue faced by many oracle database administrators. In this FAQ,we tried to capture some of the known issues that we or our users have faced and reported on. Oracle ORA-00600 is a critical error in the oracle database and oracle support should contancted for resolution of this error. You can read more about the errors and the resolution process below..
Oracle ORA-00600
- An Oracle ORA-00600 [729] : indicates a memory leak in the UGA. Setting diagnostic events 10262 ignores this error, that is, no ORA-00600 is produced even if a memory leak is detected.
- ORA-00600 [16365] : indicates a Half Duplex Violation. Shared servers and dispatchers cannot both be writing to the same virtual curcuit at the same time because they communicate with a half-duplex protocol (TTC protocol).
- ORA-00600 [kghpih:ds] : and ORA-00600 [17175] may occur in oracle when two processes work on the same library cache object. fixed in oracle Note:300604.1
- An Oracle ORA-00600 [3020] : Bug.2322620 - RECOVERY HALTED ON PHYSICAL STANDBY WITH ORA-600 AND ORA-10564 Details: ORA-600 [3020] can occur on recovery of LOB data.Fixed in PAtch available. This error occurred on our database recovery on the primary server.
- ora-00600 [12333] : Most probably a network error that may have caused bad data to be received or the client application may have sent the wrong data in the network buffer.
- Oracle ORA-00600 [12700] : Indicates corruption in index, table or the mapping between them. Upon this discovery, oracle marks the whole block as corrupt and users will not have normal access to the data from the corrupted block. This can also break referntial integrity and should be referred to oracle.
- ORA-00600 [lxhcsn] : Shutdown may dump ORA-7445. Known Bug 2311529